Vibrant Rugs

Vibrant Rugs | May 2024

Vibrant Rugs

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Price: $375.00

Shipping: Free

SKU: Workshop


Mary Zicafoose will share her design philosophy, favorite techniques, and personal tips from four decades of tapestry and rug weaving. Students will design and weave a weft-face rug sampler using hand dyed wools from Mary’s studio. Instruction will include Mary’s preferred warping and weaving techniques, and complete steps in finishing work for exhibition and sales. This is a very comprehensive workshop that offers technical solutions for the creative non-loom-controlled rug making process.

Beginners welcome, but should know the basics of weaving

You will need to bring a warped loom to class

If you are registering a second person for this class, please write their name and contact information (email and/or phone number) in the order comments.

For this class you will need:
Loom 2-4 shaft loom with a 4, 8, or 12 dent reed
NO rigid heddle or tapestry looms
Warp & Weft Warp will be 8/3 linen
Weft will be provided in class
A more detailed materials list and warping instructions will be sent to you before the workshop.

For Loom Rental: Loom rental includes the use of the loom during the workshop.

Date & Time:

Wednesday - Friday, May 8-10

10am - 4pm


Mary Zicafoose


$375 + $40 Materials
