Needle Felt Teddy Bear Face

Needle Felt Teddy Bear Face | Feltmaking

Needle Felt Teddy Bear Face

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Price: $30.00

Shipping: Free

SKU: Class-Felting


Curious about needle felting..... Have you been wanting to know how? Now you can with the introductory class requiring no prior experience, you don't even have to have held a felting needle before.

Join us and learn the basic types of needles and how to use them. We will cover the three shapes that make up almost all 3D needle felted sculptures.
We will start with this cute Teddy Bear, which can be either a pin, a magnet, or a zipper pull. Come have some fun!

Material fee includes the cost of Foam & Needles. Bring your own for a $10 discount!

Date & Time:

Sat, Feb 22 (FULL)
CLASS TIME: 10am - 12pm


Marlene Koster


$30 + $15 Material Fee
