Kromski Minstrel Great Flyer Set

Kromski Minstrel Great Flyer Set | Kromski Minstrel Spinning Wheel

Kromski Minstrel Great Flyer Set

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The Great Flyer was specially designed for the Minstrel Wheel. It has a ratio of 4:1 and 8:1 and the capacity to hold up to 24.8 ounces of fiber!

Kromski Minstrel Great Flyer and Bobbin Set includes:

  • 1 Great Flyer
  • 2 Great Bobbins (capacity up to 24.8 ounces of fiber each!)
  • 1 Front Post with Base
  • 1 Rear Post
  • 4 Great Hooks
  • Hemp Drive Band
  • Lazy Kate for 2 Great Bobbins
  • Great Whorl with 4:1 and 8:1 ratios
Price: $362.00

