Tapestry Weaving

Tapestry Weaving | Tapestry Books

Tapestry Weaving

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Tapestry Weaving
By Kirsten Glasbrook

Even if the modernistic samples and bright, primary colors in this book are not your favorite decorating style, the clear how-to instructions give you confidence to interpret the techniques into your own preferred designs. Basic methods are demonstrated through large, color photographs. All the tapestries in this book were woven on simple, rectangular frames, and you can even adapt an old picture frame for this purpose, and use rug yarn for the weft. (A valuable hint to someone who wants to try the skill before investing a lot of money in a loom.) From a solitary heart to circles, simple landscapes then progress on to a labyrinth and incredibly detailed side-woven panels. This book is a wealth of knowledge on the subject of weaving.

Paperback, 96 pages
8.5 x 11.5 inches
Published 2015
ISBN-13: 9780855329389
ISBN-10: 0855329386 

Price: $21.95

SKU: Glasbrook
